Spiritual Healing Testimonies
Every Spiritual Healing is a consequence of deliverance. Spiritual healing would automatically result in a form or sort of physical healing. The power of prayer, I mean earth-shaking, heavens-opening prayers, will provoke healing through deliverance. Real prayer-seeking souls who have made their way to the sanctuary in Springfield, VA, have bountiful testimonies. But even those that are continents away and are making use of the decrees provided by the HOLY SPIRIT on this website have testimonies like this:
Just in!
Please have someone call me. The Lord took me to your site while I was on a 3 day fast. I did the “How to obtain personal deliverance”. This was very powerful and I received some breakthrough. Please add me to your monthly newsletter and upcoming events. I look forward to speaking with you.
I am delivered !
Subject: The Lord God Almighty be Praised
Good afternoon Pastors,
I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pastors, truly our God is great. Indeed we serve a miracle working God. If you recall this year, I had written you a few times explaining the misfortune that had befallen my family. Thank you for all your advise and direction in prayer and interpretation of dreams we were having from time to time.
Very recently, as the trouble soared from bad to worse, to a point of men with guns showing up in my mother’s house to take anything they pleased. The issue continued to progress. My mother sold her house and moved into a different place. By the hand of our reining Father, he heard our prayers and began to turn things around. A company from South Africa had heard about my brother and decided to not only employ him, but have him run their entire new branch they set up in my country. They provided him with a home and have given him full control. We continiued to taht God for what He was doing. Next, investigators had come in to look into the issues and found that my brother was innocent of a lot of accusations and began to get vindicated.
The latest situation was when suddenly a group of men who were after my brother had gone after him and took him to the police station claiming he owed them money and had ran away with it. However, while at the station and the police were collecting information, the police realised that the men who had brought my brother in were in fact criminals they had been looking for a very long time. So instead, they were arrested and my brother was set free. How we glorified God that day. My mother explained to me over the phone that it was a whole operation and the men that had now been locked up were revealing everyone else and how they swindled people. It reminded my mum and I of Mordecai, Ester’s uncle from the bible. The Lord has not stopped protecting and blessing us. He is still working with us.
Truly God is great and powerful. Amazing how He turns things around late in the midnight our work in our favor.
Glory be to God. Glory be to God and All Glory be to God.
On behalf of my family, I would like to extend our utmost thanks to MFMVA for teaching us how to battle the enemy and continue to rely on God for everything. Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
Dear Pastor
I want to thank you for making this webb available to us .I used your prayer points for self deliverance the moment started breathing in and out I started vomiting and my whole body was like on fire iwas swaying from side to side.iam still using them iam seeing the hand of God.thank pastor may god bless you fand continue to anoint your ministry keep the holy fire of ministry burning
From P in co.zw
Our Breaking Through on Sunday morning 9.00am are prayer riots sessions. Pure and raw fire-spitting decrees taken by Priests and Kings ordained to rule on earth. From one such session focused on the powers of ” gather and scatter” comes this testimony from a participant:
Dear Pastor,
I have so many testimonies and I feel that If I do not let you know about this one God may not be happy with me!!!. The prayers for breaking through on Sunday were right on target. We had paid a penalty of over $5,000 on our taxes for 2010 based on the 1099 form sent to me by the…….. On Tuesday afternoon I got an email from the ……….. telling me that they made a mistake on the 1099 and based on the correction our tax liability is far far less than what it was. This new corrected 1099 form will bring us a refund of over $10,000 from the IRS. Indeed the Lord has dealt with the power of gather and scatter. I believe that this is the beginning of restoration.
God bless you sir. We have ……
Sis J
All the way from Sri Lanka, read what this visitor to this website has to say:
Dear Pastors
I refer to the conversation with ….today. I am from Sri Lanka
I was led to this website I believe by the Lord about 6 weeks ago. Some of the details i found were answers to question and issues I have grappled with for years. I began a process of deliverance with the material given on these websites and have been listening to some of the sermons as well. I have been using the prayers through fasting etc. I some times do encounter challenges doing these as an individual. To make things easier i have identified some areas i need assistance as well.
Sis. A.F
And over 3 years of unemployment settled by God. Read ..
Hi Pastor ,
How are you doing my brother? I just want to report that I had begun to work at ……….. after 3 years, 4 months and 1 week of closed door syndrome originating from my father’s house to all areas of my life but they forgot that there is a greater power “who opens the door and no one can shut it” at his own time. It has been two weeks of glorious favor and dumbfounding help from the Lord Himself. I am waiting for the fruit to mature so that I can sow some seeds to get more fruits in the ministry as God enables me. I sing His Praise and I will continue to thank him for His promises of Yeah and Amen in Christ.
I came to Power Must Change Hands from………
Thank you very much for the sacrifice you made on my behalf and please do not forget to keep me and my family in your prayers as our adversary, the devil is still roaring around with its ugly head but it must and will flee in Jesus name. I know it is for a season too!
God bless you and His Ministry in your hand!
Bro. I
These and many more are coming in to the Glory of The Living God. Your testimony could be the next !!!